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Campanha 70 anos



While there are many versions of the origins and old customs of Halloween, some remain consistent by all accounts. Different cultures view Halloween somewhat differently but traditional Halloween practices remain the same.

Mainly celebrated by english speaking countries, Halloween culture can be traced back to the Druids, a Celtic culture in Ireland, Britain and Northern Europe.

The Celts believed the souls of the dead roamed the streets and villages at night. Since not all spirits were thought to be friendly, gifts and treats were left out to pacify the evil and ensure next years crops would be plentiful. This custom evolved into trick-or-treating.

In recent years, the American "trick or treating" custom, together with the donning of costumes for going door-to-door, has become a relatively popular pastime among English children at Halloween, although many of the adults (particularly the older generations) have little idea as to why they are being asked for sweets and are usually ill-prepared to accommodate their small and hopeful callers.

Halloween was brought to America by Irish and Scottish immigrants. The turnip was exchanged for the pumpkin, which didn‘t exist in Europe. As time went by, Halloween lost its religious roots and became a childish celebration.

On Brazil, the event is becoming more and more common, because we all know brazillians love a reason to party!

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